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Cities & People to share groundbreaking research on student government in CA's higher ed system

We're so excited to share our latest research project with you!

On behalf of SoCal CAN, we conducted a study to better understand the composition of student government in California. The Represent All report examines the extent to which undergraduate student governments at California’s public college and university systems represent the diversity of their student populations. In addition to understanding the demographics of student government leaders, we sought to identify systemic barriers faced by underrepresented groups, and recommended practices to foster more diverse, inclusive, and equitable student governments.

I'm delighted to invite you to join Cities & People and SoCal CAN on November 28, 2023 at 11:00am for a deep dive into the report: Represent All, an investigation of the diversity of student government at California's postsecondary institutions.

You'll hear about our findings, as well as recommendations that can help make student government more representative of California's diverse student populations. Conducting research like this is a core part of how we partner with incredible organizations, and we've been so honored and proud to conduct this research that will help SoCal CAN further their mission - and now we're excited to share it with all of you in the Cities & People community!

When you RSVP, you'll be emailed an advance copy of the report. I truly hope you're able to join us to hear more about this fascinating project and some of the core takeaways.